Link outlook with gmail

Configurar gmail en outlook 2010

Vaya a e inicie sesión en la cuenta a la que desea migrar. Una vez conectado a su dirección de Outlook, haga clic en Configuración representada por una rueda dentada en la parte superior izquierda, luego en Mostrar todas las configuraciones de Outlook.

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Configuring outlook with gmail pop3

First of all, let’s briefly explain what two-step verification is and what it is used for. This security method is also known as two-factor authentication (2FA). Its purpose is to make it much more difficult for someone to gain access without permission or authorization to any of the personal accounts of the service where it is activated.

Although the procedure is simple and should not take long, you may have problems setting up your Gmail account in Outlook. That is why you should check if you have enabled the IMAP protocol in your Gmail account settings. Here’s how to do it:

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IMAP is a communication protocol established between a user and a mail server. It allows you to synchronize all your emails on different devices, for example, and keep them up to date. Thus, if you open a Gmail email (in Outlook) IMAP ensures that it also appears as “read” once you access the official Gmail application.  Currently, Gmail keeps IMAP enabled for all its accounts, so you only need to perform this step to make sure that you do indeed have this functionality enabled and have not modified it. Otherwise, you may have problems linking your Gmail account in Outlook.

Configure gmail in outlook 2016

Well, for your convenience, the new version of Gmail offers you the possibility of gmailing your Outlook mail to use this application for all your messages. That is, it lets you link another email address to greatly simplify the various processes it performs through the specified email addresses.

Here a second pop-up window opens asking you if you want to synchronize your email, contacts, calendars and various Microsoft items in Gmail. So just click “Yes” to confirm that your entire Outlook or Hotmail account is being imported into Gmail.

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After clicking Yes, wait a few seconds and you will be shown the message To continue, close this window. Where you should pay attention to this section and then click on the close window button located at the top right. But it is important that you do not close the pop-up window where the main process takes place.

After closing the previous window, you should focus on where the main process goes and move on to the second step. In this part, you can choose whether you want to import contacts, emails or new emails. To fully use Hotmail (now Outlook) in Gmail, select these three options and click Start import.

Configure gmail in outlook 365

When you are inside your Gmail account click on the gear icon at the top right (1), and among the options that pop up click on Settings (2) to enter the menu to configure your email.

A second pop-up window will open asking you if you want to synchronize your emails, your contacts, calendars and various other Microsoft items in Gmail. In this window just click Yes to agree to import your Outlook or Hotmail account into Gmail.

Wait a few seconds after clicking the Yes button, and you will get a message saying Close this window to continue. Follow it and click the close window button at the top right, but leave open the pop-up window where the main process is being performed.

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After closing the other window, in which the main process is running, you will access the second step of the process. Here you can select whether you want to import contacts, mails you already have or new mails. Choose all 3 to use Hotmail completely in Gmail, and then click on the Start Import button.

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