Gmail app mark all as read

How to mark all emails as read

Try Slack and Microsoft (With Microsoft Teams) Strive to replace email. However, the standard email experience is here to stay. Most still prefer to use gmail and Outlook to stay in touch with banking updates, favorite newsletters, and recent events from their social media handles. Among all the email providers, .es Gmail is the most popular. The service is now available on All Android devices As a result, it dominates the consumer email experience with more than 1.5 million monthly active users.

Most users check their Gmail inbox once a week. Your inbox can get clogged if you have a lot of subscriptions and banking. Gmail offers some features to create rules, mark all emails as read and more. You may have seen users with thousands of unread emails on their cell phones. It’s difficult to navigate the entire email experience, and in hundreds of emails, you may miss some important messages.

How to mark all emails as read in gmail iphone

This procedure will be useful in those cases where you have more than 50 unread emails, maybe several hundred or 2000, and you just want to select them all at once to mark them as read without having to go through pages to do so. It’s a lot simpler than it sounds, and you can do it in the Inbox as well as in any other folder.

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When you choose All, the emails on the active page will be selected, but you will also see an indicator if you want to select all of them. What you have to do here, is to choose the option to Select XXX conversations from *Inbox, where in XXX you will see all the emails you have. In addition to the inbox, you can also do this in any other inbox.

When you click on the above option, absolutely all the mails you have in the selected band will be selected. Now, what you have to do is click on the Mark as read button that will appear in the list of options above the emails, with the icon of an open envelope. In case you have doubts, if you hold the button over the icon, the text of the option will be displayed.

Mark as read gmail app

Gmail labels are the ideal tool to organize your emails in an easy way, because they let you identify the important messages in your inbox. In order to buy more peace of mind, speed and usefulness when managing your Gmail inbox, it is recommended to mark all emails as read. This can be done without opening them and even as a batch action. This method does not allow you to select which emails to delete in bulk.

Cleaning a crowded inbox is a hassle when you have to do it one by one. If you see a bunch of unread emails in Gmail that you want to mark as read, do it all at once. Not only can you mark all unread mails as read in Gmail, but you can also delete them all at once.

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If done via the smart mobile app, tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner and choose “Settings”. Despite making communication easier, it is estimated that a complicated or catastrophic inbox can be a hindrance to taking advantage of Gmail’s assets. Which, affects efficiency and can even frustrate individuals. While holding Move, tap to deselect the email.

How to mark all gmail emails as read

Gmail gives us the ability to completely delete all emails that we have received or sent in one sitting, in addition to being able to mark each and every one of them as read. The procedure is extremely simple, and through a series of steps we show you how to do it so you don’t have to worry about those notifications anymore.

Although it may be risky to delete everything at once, we can always filter by the emails that weigh the most and delete those that we do not need, as discussed in this article. If, on the other hand, you want to decide to delete everything, here is how to do it.

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As the main requirement for this trick, we have to enter Gmail from the browser of our computer, or through the browser of our mobile device by activating the ‘Computer view’. This is because the option that appears in Gmail to select everything is only shown in this way.

Once we have clicked on the option, we can manipulate at will each and every one of the mails we have in our inbox, or any other Gmail folder. Having selected all the messages, we can delete them all at once to save space, or mark them as read to remove any notification.

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