Adding a new folder in gmail

How to make emails arrive in a gmail folder

When you don’t know how to create folders in Gmail, your inbox will simply be a mess. Every time a new message arrives, you’re more disorganized than ever. It’s time to take control and change your inbox from clutter to a tidy and functional space.

To create a label, all you have to do is go to the left side of your inbox and click More. From there, you will see the New label option. In the pop-up window, name the label:

Create folder in gmail group mails

If you want to keep your inbox under control, one of the best ways to do it is by using Gmail folders. How can you create one? Well, it’s quite simple, and today we are going to show you how to do it in just a few steps.

Before we start, keep in mind that these are not folders as you know them. In fact, Gmail uses a system of labels, although they have the same function as folders. All those emails that are assigned the same label can be found in the same place. This is a very good way to keep order of everything you receive on a daily basis.

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If you use Android or iOS, there is a good chance that Gmail is your email service of choice. The application also has a function to create and assign labels, so just follow the steps to do so.

To assign your emails to this Gmail label from mobile, just select the emails. To do this, tap directly on the sender’s icon (it can be a colored letter or an image). Once you have selected them all, tap on the three dots in the upper right corner, and choose Move.

How to open a new folder in gmail

It is natural that as users we always want to keep a consistent order of the emails we receive and the best way to do this is by creating folders with the name of each subject, user or approach. The first thing you should know is that in Gmail you will not find the option of a new folder, but rather labels.  That is why below we will explain you how to create a new label (folder) in Gmail in a simple step by step way both on PC and iPhone.

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It is a very simple process to create new folders in Gmail to keep a much more complete order of the data. This way you will be able to create folders in a simple way in your Gmail, to be able to sort and store your emails in the best possible way.

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The first thing that comes to mind when you think of emails is Gmail. It’s not surprising – Gmail is a leading online email service worldwide with over 1.5 billion active users.

As we receive many emails daily, it becomes difficult to keep track of that chaotic flow of information: work, friends, travel, receipts, news. It’s easy to get lost and miss some really important information.

Fortunately, Gmail has the solution for this – you can create folders to organize your emails. Open any folder and check all the newly added emails there.

It’s so good to keep things organized, and it gets better when the organization is simple. Even if you don’t get dozens of emails a day, you know it’s easy to lose that important message in the spam.

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Fortunately, you can structure your inbox, and make it look uncluttered. It’s intuitive to group things into folders, but labeling is a perfect match for emails.

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