Undisclosed recipients in gmail

Send mail to multiple recipients without them seeing each other gmail

It is possible to send emails without identifying all recipients by sending the email as a BCC to certain addresses. If you want to do this using Gmail in your web browser, open the Gmail Website and select the “Compose” button to open a new message.

If you are replying to (or forwarding) an email at the bottom of an existing email chain, select the Reply pop-up button in the upper right corner of the quick reply box to make changes to the intended recipients.

You can add a primary recipient (shared with all other recipients) in the “To” field box, but this is not mandatory. However, to add a BCC recipient and hide that recipient’s email address from the message, select the “BCC” option located to the right of the “To” field box.

This will insert a “BCC” box immediately below the “To” field. Add the various email addresses or email lists you wish to send your message to before selecting “Send” to send the email.

How to send an email to undisclosed recipients?

To avoid exposing the recipients’ e-mail addresses, you can send them all to undisclosed recipients and use the “Cco” field during sending.

How to send bulk mail without showing Gmail recipients?

There must always be a recipient, but it does not have to be the one in the Para field. This means that, for example, you can use only the Bcc field if you want to send a mass mailing without anyone knowing the addresses of the other people who have received it.

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What is BCC BCC in Gmail?

Using the hidden copy is very simple. In your email manager, when you are going to compose an email, look for the BCC (blind carbon copy) field if it is in Spanish, or BCC if it is in English. This is where you have to put the addresses of the recipients, separated by a semicolon (;).

Sending many e-mails to a single recipient

When composing an email, type the name of the new group in the Bcc field. Gmail will fill in the field with the full name and no one in the group will be able to see the addresses of the other recipients.

The email addresses in the Bcc field are just copies of the email. If a recipient chooses to reply, they can only reply to the addresses in the To and Bcc fields. For this reason, Bcc is a good way to stop a chain of replies before it starts.

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How to send mass mailings from gmail

If you are looking to send an email in Gmail to a large number of undisclosed recipients, you may want to hide their email addresses from others. It’s easy to do with the blind carbon copy (BCC) feature.

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It is possible to send emails without identifying all recipients by sending the email as BCC to certain addresses. If you want to do this using Gmail in the web browser, open the Gmail Website and select the “Compose” button to open a new message.

If you are replying to (or forwarding) an email at the bottom of an existing email chain, select the Popup Reply button in the upper right corner of the Quick Reply box to make changes to the intended recipients.

You can add a primary recipient (shared with all other recipients) in the “To” field box, but this is not mandatory. However, to add a Bcc recipient and hide that recipient’s email address from the message, select the “Bcc” option located to the right of the “To” field box.

Send mail to multiple gmail recipients

Sending mass emails in these cases is essential. You have probably chosen some of the above mentioned as key moments to launch it. You have created an eye-catching content, visual and with a strategic copy.

But do you have everything under control, are you sure you take care of all the details, have you done something to send mass mailings without the recipients being seen, or on the contrary, do you allow your hundreds of contacts to have access to each other’s addresses? Something that is not only a mistake but also penalized by data protection laws.

If there is something clear in all this topic is that the main risk you run is to be classified as a spammer.  And among the guidelines you should follow to avoid falling into the dark side, you should start by assimilating that, although it is a mass emailing, each recipient is a specific person. And each one deserves valuable, personalized content and, above all, that their privacy is taken care of.

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Perhaps you should know that emails that include the recipient’s name in their subject line have higher click-through rates than emails that do not. And even if they are mass emails and the content is not as personalized, it is important to take this into account.

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